In the studio again at last - but in different studios
The lockdown recording process enabled Audible Light to play more instruments and create a powerful album of electronic grandure and rhythmic minimalism.
- talking about Audible Light and the new album
Audible Light's 10th album is a unique project for us.
Due to the pandemic we could not meet in one place, so this album was recorded by passing recordings online around the group. Each member of Audible Light started a track, and passed it on to the next member alphabetically by surname, until all four played on the tracks.
By chance the album track order ran best alphabetically too - so track 1 was started by Atyeo, 2 by Conway, 3 by Hayden. and 4 by Tetlow.
Thank to all of those who have followed our music over the years, and we hope you enjoy this, our 10th album. - AA, CC, LH, JT
Tape, Robert Rich, Vidna Obmana, Alio Die, ECM, Terry Riley, Azimuth, Steve Reich, John Hassell.
Audible Light's 10th album.
The first album recorded with Audible Light not being in the same room.
Recorded at Vole Studios, Aloft Studios, Big Toe Studios, & Synapse Studios, Leicester, UK