For some years now I've been creating ambient soundscapes with the theremin using harmonizer, delays, and filters, plus touches of ring modulator to add ethereal noise. I prefer using long delays over using loops, as delay's fade slowly over time and create subtly shifting vistas as the newly played slowly blends with the new.

About The Album.
This is the “theremin & effects-only mix” of my Deep Ocean Dreams album, - the foundation tracks, over which, many other instruments were added. I have kept the track order the same.
Unlike my previous theremin albums, there are few lower frequency notes, as I knew that a low synthesizer drones would be added on the album. It does give a light, fresh feel to the sound though. These are the most ambient set of theremin “flights” I have released.
I am also releasing a “stringed-instruments-only mix” of the Deep Ocean Dreams album, - Oceans Of Strings - using the zithers, Celtic harp, kantele, & electric 9 string guitar - CC