Mo Coulson & Chris
Conway - The Enchanted Forest

1 |
Portal Key - Unlock |
2 |
Enchanted Forest Portal |
3 |
Into The Forest |
4 |
Glade Of Memories |
5 |
Around The Fire |
6 |
The Enchanter's Dance |
7 |
Forest Dreams |
8 |
The Darkwood |
9 |
Rainbow Gathering |
10 |
The Bear Dance |
11 |
Out Of The Forest |
12 |
Portal Key - Lock |
Mo Coulson - |
Celtic harp, vocals, shakers, chimes, whispers |
Conway - |
keyboards, piano, low & tin Irish whistles, acoustic & electric 9 string guitars, zither, bombarde, theremin, metallophone, bodhran, chimes, temple bells, percussion, drum loops, field recordings, voice, whispers.

An Enchanting Journey
A wondrous multi-instrumental journey through an enchanted forest featuring Celtic harp, Irish whistles, and a host of exotic instruments. Follow the journey through the portal into the forest and a glade of memories, sit around the fire with a tree spirit, dance to an enchanter's music, hear the creepy Darkwood, and celebrate at a festive Rainbow Dance.
It was 2 years since their previous album Spirits Of The Angels, and Mo Coulson was returning to music after a break. Chris Conway suggested they start recording a new album, but to work in the studio in a different way - no deadlines, no label, with the focus on having fun in the studio. The first session involved recording shakers, chimes and their multi-tracked whispers - which was the start of the track Enchanted Forest Portal.
They met every so often through the spring and summer of 2017, recording a track or so of an afternoon. When the album was half recorded they felt there was a feeling of the forest about the music so the theme was chosen then.
Mo brought The Enchanter's Dance and The Bear Dance, adn Chris brought his usual big tracks with big arrangements of Into The Forest and Rainbow Gathering plus the idea of the 2 Portal Locks. The rest of the music came about through improvisations.
Chris had recently finished an album with Buddhist monk Ajahn Achalo and having nowhere else to release it, created his own New Age label Twilight Sky Music, which seemed a good label to place The Enchanted Forest on too.
Alan Stivell, Sileas, Lorena McKennitt, Dan Ar Braz, Capercaillie, Andreas
All tracks ©2017 and written by...
2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11 – Mo Coulson & Chris Conway.
6 - trad. Flemish, arranged Mo Coulson.
10 – Mo Coulson.
1, 3, 9, 12 – Chris Conway.
On Glade Of Memory microphones were placed out of the windows of the studio to record the outside world whilst they played - hence the sound of wind in the trees, rain and birds.
It is the 2nd release on
Chris's new Twilight Sky Music label.
notes |
Angels as benevolent spiritual intermediaries feature in many faiths and legends across the world. On this album we have woven a story of an angel who, upon hearing the voice in a prayer, visits the Earth in search of that voice, and spends a day there.
1. Portal Key - Unlock
1234567 - turn the key to the 7 levered lock and open the door to the forest portal.
2. Enchanted Forest Portal
Enter the portal to the enchanted forest. Feel the magic as you pass through to the other side.
3. Into The Forest
A path leads you from the portal to deep into the enchanted forest.
4. The Glade Of Memories
There is a glade where there is always a light shower of rain where your memories become heightened and feel closer.
5. Around The Fire
Night falls. Feel the magic of being sat by an open fire in the woods at night. A tree spirit joins you.
6. The Enchanter's Dance
You come across a clearing where the enchanter spins his spell of music and the denizens of the forest dance a courtley dance.
7. Forest Dreams
The sun is hot. You sit in the shade of an old oak tree and sleep, and peacefully dream.
8. The Darkwood
You have taken a turning into The Darkwood. A storm begins and creatures of the night can be heard.
9. Rainbow Gathering
The sight of a rainbow triggers a gathering of celebration with songs and dances.
10. The Bear Dance
The gathering is over and all have left the scene, but left behind and unaware of this, a bear dances its solitary dance.
11. Out Of The Forest
It is time to leave the enchanted forest. As you take the path back toward the portal the denizens of the forest join you, creating a farewell procession.
12. Portal Key - Lock
Pass through the portal, close and lock the door til next time. 7654321.
Produced by Chris Conway
only £10 - free postage