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Chris Conway - Wondrous Darkness
Chris Conway Wondrous Darkness

Darkness Descends
Creatures Of The Night
Invocation Of Nocturnal Spirits
Lights Behind Closed Eyes
On The Wings Of Night
There Was A Time
Observing Reality From A Distance
11 Good Night Waves

Chris Conway - theremin, piano, electric piano, synthesizer, electric organ, Celtic harp, steel tongue drum, voice, whispers, air conditioner, bells, cowbell, field recordings, low Irish whistle, zither, kantele, effects.

track by track
1 - theremin, effects.
2 - electric piano, synthesizer, Celtic harp, theremin, effects.
3 - steel tongue drum, voice, effects.
4 - piano, effects.
5 - theremin, zither, low Irish whistle, whispers, voice, bells, effects.
6 - theremin.
7 - electric organ, effects.
8 - air conditioner, theremin, cowbell, bells, effects.
9 - voice, electric piano, synthesizer, effects.
10 - piano, field recordings, kantele, effects.
11- theremin, effects.


Chris Conway & theremin
Gently Strange, Dark Soundscapes
Featuring theremin, piano, keyboards, zithers, bells, & electronics..

An album of gently strange, dark soundscapes featuring theremin, piano, keyboards, zithers, bells, & electronics.

I’ve always enjoyed the atmosphere in dark spaces. As a teenager I would listen to music in dark rooms - I still do. These tracks portray different aspects of darkness. Spiritual, spooky, atmospheric, nightfall, and lights in the darkness. Some tracks are electronic soundscapes, others have a contrmporary classical feel, and others paint dark, dreamlike, otherworldly places.

This album follows on from my "Spendid Isolation" album but with a wider collection of sounds and textures.

The music on this album was recorded as monthly submissions to the United Isolation Ensemble, designed to be mixed with other artists’ tracks. The UIE grew out of the pandemic lockdown to enable collaboration in isolation.

I have released several albums of my solo pieces - Strange New World, When Pianos Dream, & Splendid Isolation. This time I had a lot of tracks which I wanted to release. I realised that some were light and mellow, and others were dark and strange. They didn’t sit well together on one album, so I made two! - Wondrous Darkness & Wondrous Light.

I’m grateful to the UIE which got me to experiement in the studio again. Trying different combinations of instruments, different effects, and ways of recording the sounds.

A companion album to Wondrous Light

I used the following effects.
Moogerfooger Ring Modulator
Moogerfooger MuRF filter array
Digitech Vocalist Live Pro harmonizer
Boss DD20 Giga Delay

"There Was A Time" - the text was spontaneously created.

There Was A Time - ©2024 Chris Conway
There was a time, there was a place,
There was a man who had no face,
And no place.

There was a time, there was a place,
There's still time.
Time arrives all the time.
Every line, we find time,
The time before time, on the line.

There was a time, there was a place,
There was a smile across this space.
Time and places, times and spaces.
Future past never lasts, and yet,
Goes on forever.
There was a time, there was a place.

There was a place, there was a time,
When I knew what was on your mind,
Behind the eyes, behind the smile.
And all the while, on your mind,
Was another time, and another place,
And a smile across your face,
Smiling at the human race.

There was a place, there was a time,
Words would never rhyme,
Like now, and then, and the cosmos.
Time, and space, and the cosmos,
And your face, and my face,
In this space - and time.

There was a time, there was a place,
There was a circumstance,
That brought us together.
Together in time, together in space,
At a place of our own chosing.
No winning, no losing.
Just us, the space and the time
Ever expanding.
Like our minds, like our dreams.

Time, space, circumstance,
And chance,
In the dance of life.

And all the time – we knew.
We knew all the time,
We had been here before,
And would be here again,
In this time – in this space.
Re-enacting, redacting, reacting.
No regrets.

Just the space,
And time,
And circumstance.

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Companion album to Wondrous Darkness - Wondrous Light
Chris Conway - Wondrous Light


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